Certified Small Business Enterprise (SBE-Micro)—State of California Department of General Services
Certified Local Business Enterprise (LBE-Micro)—San Francisco Contract Monitoring Division

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Notable MSA Projects

What we do
All public works projects are unique and interdisciplinary; MSA has the technical abilities  to establish, early on in the planning process, potential risks and opportunities that result in positive outcomes with feasible and constructible project solutions.
MSA works with individual clients and project development  teams to establish the type, size and location of the proposed works.  This makes it possible to understand the impact a project will have on: adjacent structures, utilities, transportation/facility operations, and the community; enabling realistic estimation of schedule, cost and associated risks.  
Moreover, in areas with high environmental hazard risk; such as the seismic risk in our home base San Francisco California, MSA has the capability to consider this risk in both planning engineering and impact analysis.  In addition to project development work our skill set has also been called upon to assess a change in tack when an ongoing project moves off course or explore the reasons why a failure has occurred.

Program Management Support Services - Master Scheduling

San Francisco International Airport Terminal 1 Redevelopment Program - Project Management Support Services for the Utility & Technology Systems Improvements

San Francisco International Airport Runway Safety Area Program Support Services

·    19th Avenue / M Ocean View Project - MSA is providing preliminary structural and construction engineering services to assess feasibility of earlier planning studies and develop new light rail subway and bridge options.

·    Transbay Transit Center (TTC) Bus Storage Facility (BSF) - MSA provided conceptual structural and construction engineering services to assess feasibility of earlier studies for both AC Transit and Golden Gate Transit storage sites located under the West Approach to the San Francisco Oakland Bay Bridge (WA-SFOBB).  Assessment and new alternative development was followed by preliminary engineering for AC Transit storage site and  the bus link ramp to the TTC, which included: working collaboratively with the geotechnical consultant to develop design strategies for storage lot excavation and BSF structure foundations that minimized impact on Seismic Performance and Post-Earthquake recovery of the WA-SFOBB.  Solution included a seismically isolated Bus Link Ramp Bridge, mechanically stabilized embankments (MSE), MSE retaining walls, and aesthetic sound absorbing walls.  Preliminary design and seismic impact assessment underwent Caltrans PEER Review and approval.  

·    Geary Corridor Bus Rapid Transit - Environmental Impact Statement Report - MSA provided conceptual civil, structural and construction engineering services to assess the feasibility of earlier studies and develop new alternatives for surface bus rapid transit. Additionally, special studies at the grade separated intersections at Masonic, Steiner, Fillmore, Webster and downtown were undertaken.  Design solutions considered the possibility of future rail as well as future significant utility upgrades.  Cost constraints necessitated  analysis of a range of phased implementation options for near-term and long-term improvements.  MSA also worked collaboratively with the project team in its community outreach efforts.

·    Balboa Park Station Capacity and Conceptual Engineering - MSA provided conceptual civil and structural engineering services evaluating the feasibility of the preceding station area plan, and developed new options for a range of potential future projects that aimed to provide improved multi-modal access, as well as opportunities for Transit Oriented Development, including: alternative Ocean and Geneva Bridge and Freeway Ramp configurations, Station Kiss and Ride area concepts, options to proved accessible light rail platforms and connections to the Bart Station mezzanine,  concepts for air-rights development structures over I-280, SFMTA Green Yard and Upper Yard.  Solutions were evaluated and sorted to create a phased implementation plan for near term action and future planning.

·  South Access to the Golden Gate Bridge - Doyle Drive (Presidio Parkway) - Environmental Impact Statement Report - Conceptual structural engineering and task management services for the production of the final Caltrans Advanced Planning Study for bridges, tunnels and retaining structures in collaboration with the prime and sub-consultant project team.  Additionally, MSA provided technical briefings to the Final Design Team, lead by Caltrans and the FHWA auditors of the project cost estimate.

·    Yerba Buena Island Transition Structure   - Value Engineering - MSA developed a VE concept and proposal to remove and replace the YBI viaduct which was adopted.

·    Central Marin Ferry Connection  Multi-use Path - Planning engineering services in support of the Environmental Report to develop structural concepts for a phased implementation of a non-motorized connections from the Cal-Park Hill Tunnel to the Golden Gate Ferry Terminal to the south side of East Sir Francis Drake Blvd and across Corte Madera Creek. Type, Size and Location studies were undertaken for: bridge, overcrossing, viaduct, bridge-widening and underground passage options.  Concepts considered evaluation of the the seismic performance of the Greenbrae Interchange and potential expansion of SMART. The first phase is approaching completion

·    I-80 Ashby/Shellmound Interchange Improvements  - In support of the Caltrans Project Study Report, MSA developed overcrossing replacement concepts that included consideration of a non-motorized multi use path as part of the replacement structure.  

·    65th St over I-80  Multi-use path - After the interchange improvement project MSA authored the Advanced Planning Study (APS) analyzing structural concepts for path options including "signature" bridge types and approach structures to be located south of the Ashy/Shellmound  Interchange.   Bridge concepts that were included in the APS submitted for Caltrans approval were vetted through community outreach and a Bridge committee assembled by the City of Emeryville.  The study included a conceptual construction plan, post-earthquake recovery plan, maintenance plan and life cycle cost analysis.

·    Tanana River Bridge near Tok Alaska  - Value Engineering, analyzed rehabilitation (946-ft long truss)  and replacement options for this scour critical bridge.

Public Art
·    Central Subway Project:  Developed structural concepts, designs and performance specifications for the support of  "Reflected Loop" at the Union Square Market Street Station and the "large scale photographic drawings" at the Yerba Buena/Moscone Station.

·    San Diego International Airport: Developed structural concepts to support "The Journey"